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Andy Keel

At peace and on fire

46 MSc BBA Six Sigma Black Belt

Supports this vision by leveraging a successful track record in large corporations, sme and start-ups.

Lets get personal, shall we?
Fluffy #cloud of confirmation bias delight (generated without AI)
#adhd #atheistic #beatrichner cambodia (role model) #beirut #blues #brandeins #camparitonic #carneval #champagne #classic #climb #concert #cook #cooperative #crosscountryskiing #dance #dedication #demanding #divorced #englishspeaking #freeski #funk #germanspeaking #gravel #guitar #handball #heteroflexible #hike #impatient #independant #innsbruck #italiancitizen #italianlearning (bucketlist25) #jazz #johannisbeergespritzt #kink #lasagna #nonsmoker #lactoseintolerance #mezze #mgus #modelY #moutainbike #notresentful #numericphotographicmemory #nzzsaturday #piano (learning) #racebike (velo) #resilient #rock #run #schnitzel #scorpio #scotchandsoda #skitouring #siem reap #singlefather #son16 #snowboard #straightshooter #surf #swim #swisscitizen #telemark #travel #trompet #visionary #vunerable #widnau #wine #zurich

Whew! Lucky me, I’ve officially graduated from the application-writing olympics. But wait!
A proper bias free CV on .pdf is just a request away! (info at